Categories: Solar Energy

5 Sustainable Living Ways to Save Energy in Winter

As we edge towards the end of 2021, the colder weather has moved into full swing. Frost on our car windscreens, darker mornings, lower temperatures and incessant rain all play their part in making sure we know that winter is well and truly here and it becomes difficult to save energy in winter. . At the same time, world leaders have recently met at the COP 26 climate change summit in Glasgow to discuss how to cut down on fossil fuel use and other environmentally damaging activities.

So, with all that in mind, plus the spectre of rising energy bills on the horizon, now is a great time to think about how we can make changes to how we generate, use and save energy in winter.

How to Winterproof Your Home While Protecting The Planet

As with any project of this kind, identifying ways to save energy in winter should start with small adjustments at first. Then work up to larger changes and commitments as you get used to a new way of sourcing and saving energy. Small. changes could include only boiling enough water for what you need at the time, switching computers and TVs etc. off at the mains, just putting them on standby mode and turning the thermostats down a couple of degrees – put on another jumper if you feel cold.

Other Ideas to Save Energy in Winter Include:

1· Switching to Solar Power

Investing in solar power technology for households can really help reduce energy bills, as well as free up your reliance on fossil fuels. Photovoltaic solar panels are easy to install and can start generating electricity right away – even on duller winter days. Any electricity that is not used right away can be stored for use later on, e.g. at night. Solar power is sustainable, effective and a great way to pursue a more sustainable way of living.

2· Switching to LED Lighting

After the clocks went back in October, the afternoon light started fading sooner. Inevitably, this leads to people switching lights on earlier in the day and keeping them on for longer hours a day. Changing old-style, incandescent light bulbs for energy-efficient lighting like LEDs can help to save energy in winter and create a sustainable living, as you not only use less energy to power them but the LED lights themselves last longer too. Turning lights off whenever you are not using them will help significantly to save energy in winter.

3· Caring For Your Central Heating

If you have a boiler and radiators in the home to provide heat, make sure that they are properly maintained so that they can perform at their optimum efficiency.

This means that less power is needed to produce the amount of heat that is needed. Bleed radiators and get boilers checked regularly. Line the walls behind radiators with tin foil so that more heat can reflect out into the room. Use a timer so that your central heating can turn off when you are not in the house to save energy in winter.

4· Insulating Your Home

Keeping out the draughts can be done via a few methods. Start small by lining curtains and blinds and using draught excluders to provide a thicker layer of insulation against any cold air that might come in through cracks and gaps in your windows and doors. Fit carpets and rugs to wooden floors to add cosiness underfoot/ Do a thorough check of your home to see if there are any places where cold air could be getting in. Don’t forget to lag your pipes to avoid a catastrophic water burst, which can cause damage and increase energy costs. Is your attic properly insulated? Now is the time to check.

5· Wising Up With The Washing

Although colder temperatures have us reach for the tumble dryer or electric clothes. airer, a little pre-planning can help us keep costs and energy use associated with keeping clean much lower. Allow dishes and clothes to air dry – it might take a little longer, but it can really help to save energy in winter.

Besides, if you have got the central heating on, this can help speed up the drying process on its own. Wait until your dishwasher or clothes washing machine is full before setting it to work. Full loads are more energy-efficient than half-empty machines. Use electricity generated by solar power for these jobs to make your housework even more sustainable this winter.


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